Wiper Arm Head Cap

About this product

The Wiper Arm Head Cap (#85292-13010), an essential component in the Windshield Wiper system, plays a critical role in securing and protecting the wiper blade assembly. With its primary function being to protect the wiper arm and blade connection from harsh weather conditions, the Wiper Arm Head Cap (#85292-13010) helps maintain the operational integrity of the windshield wiper system. Over time, exposure to damaging elements can cause the cap to become brittle or damaged. When this occurs, it's crucial to replace the part to prevent impaired vision during poor weather conditions. Operating with a worn or broken Wiper Arm Head Cap (#85292-13010) could result in an unstable wiper arm, compromising driver safety. Genuine Toyota Autoparts, like the Wiper Arm Head Cap (#85292-13010), optimize vehicle compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. By maintaining this small but crucial component, you contribute to the overall safety and efficiency of your vehicle.